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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Free clairvoyant readings

I was so pleased to hear that Rosemary Price has finally set up her own website! I worked as a full-time clairvoyant and became well known in the field and often heard about the good work she was doing, helping a lot of people. But I retired so was not in the loop. Then recently I decided to look up the websites that are on offer regarding subjects such as clairvoyance. I was disappointed to see that a lot of them were by frauds, either just in it for the money, or not as talented as they would like to think they are. I only trust those who have been tested by experts and have a proper background. Hence, I was very pleased to hear that Rosemary Price has finally set up a website. I have had a look at it and it has a lot to offer. A forum, chat room and much else free of charge. You can have a free reading. You can consult her personally - which is quite amazing when you remember how qualified and experienced she is.

There are a lot of so called clairvoyants who fob you off with computerised readings or junior staff, so it is great to have someone very experienced doing the readings themself.

You can be tested to see how psychic you are. You can have lessons. You can even train up to become a professional with qualifications if you wish.

Rosemary Price has been around a long time. If you have any doubts about this subject you have no need to be cynical or unsure about her. She has helped hundreds, including a lot of famous people.


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