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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Speak With a Psychic - Three Titillating Tips For Getting Your Next Psychic Reading

Are you stuck with the direction your life is taking? Confused on a major decision? Or do you just need a gentle push in the right direction?

Imagine getting all of the answers you need from the comfort of your own home. Imagine getting simple but enlightening advice that illuminates the right path to pursue.

A good psychic reading
can often provide just the right motivation for making major league life changes which can have amazing repercussions for years to come. And after 20 years of getting readings of every type and stripe, I'm going to share with you three of my favorite tips below!

Tip #1: Be PREPARED! Write down 5-7 major questions or life dilemmas you truly want to unlock, uncover and reveal. In my experience, getting specific clarification on 3 key points is a sign of a rewarding reading, and you'll give yourself a MUCH better chance if you are clear (in writing) about what you want to know before the reading begins.

Tip #2: Be POSITIVE! Far too many people take a skeptical, cynical "prove it to me" attitude into a psychic session. Don't do it. If you are going to get the reading, be open, honest and enthusiastic about the process....and NOT in a closed off, or cynical mind set. It is good to be a critical thinker and NOT take all psychic advice as "law". But apply this critical thinking AFTER the reading is through.....rather than challenging the psychic, or being confrontational and cynical while the reading is happening. (believe it or not....this can close OFF your energy, and make the reading much more difficult to do for everybody involved)

Tip #3: Review the Reading! I recommend reviewing the reading immediately, once it's done. Write down your thoughts. Take notes. Identify what you thought were the strong points, and identify the areas that you aren't quite sure are accurate. You'll be amazed, when you look back on a reading in a week, or 2....or even a month later, how MUCH of it may come into sharper focus, or clarity. In my 20 years of readings and research, both personally and professionally alike, I can't tell you how many times I've had a MAJOR "a-ha" moment looking back at my notes a month or 2 later......and on things that have made a MAJOR difference in my choices....and life thereafter. (No Joke!)

And if you're like'll find the very same surprises await you as well. (so write them down..:-)


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