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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Two Sure Signs A Psychic Is Lying To You

How can you tell if a psychic is honest? Do they look different? Sound different? Charge more...or less for their readings? If you are anything like I was when I first started researching psychics about 20 years ago, the BIGGEST obstacle you face is finding honest psychics, right? I mean...that are clairvoyant "shops" in just about every town in the world. There are telephone psychics. Internet psychics. Psychic centers in strip malls....boardwalks, resorts and just about every other slice of society you are going to find.

But how many of them are HONEST? Or good? Or real at all? If this question has confounded you....I've written this article with YOU in mind. Now understand this: I DON'T have all of the answers. Only the answers that I've learned along the way....and have worked well for me! And considering I've spent 20 years writing about, researching and getting psychic readings of all types and stripes, I think you'll benefit from what I've discovered as well. Read on as we take a closer look at the 2 things that are dead giveaways a psychic is NOT honest, and what I do when it happens!

Sign #1: They play the guessing game

Everyone who has studied psychics has had the experience of having to cringe while a reader "guessed" at different facts. Asking LOTS of leading questions is a bad start. Do you know anyone with a letter "XYZ" in the name is an example of a leading question...AND a bad one to boot! Cold reading techniques that I've written about before are a surefire sign that you are being CONNED, and not really "read". What you SHOULD look for? A good psychic will pretty much try to limit how much you say, or answer or respond with. My rule? Too MUCH information is an HONEST psychics worst enemy.....and a BAD psychics best friend!

Sign #2: The Ignominious Up sell

Don't allow yourself to be UPSOLD to higher priced products, or services or psychic insight. Anytime a psychic tells me that for a certain amount of dollars, he or she can tell me something they can't at our current rate, I know it's time to run for the hills! Good TELEPHONE psychic services won't do this. Occasionally you'll find an individual intuitive online who will. (especially those who loiter on forums and blogs) And MOST commonly, this happens in a one on one setting, where the reader will offer to light candles for a fee, or do some sort of spell removal, etc. In my experience? Anytime this happens you are dealing with a DISHONEST person, and a bad psychic as well. (and I recommend ending the session immediately to avoid any conflict, confrontation or any other uncomfortable issues)

The bottom line?

There are plenty of good psychics out there. honest psychics...AND affordable intuitives all wrapped up in one. Use the simple tips above to find YOURS....and avoid those who aren't worth your time, energy and income as well..:-)


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